How You Can Be Fashion Forward Without Being Fashion Victim

Every woman knows that the fashion world is ever changing with the times. One style may be popular one day only to be replaced by something new a few months or weeks down the road.

When it comes to ladies fashion especially, there is nothing that is more versatile or in a constant state of flux than that. Women have all sorts of designs and fashion styles presented to them all the time as designers are always coming up with something new or some new trend or other will emerge.

But if you don’t want to be a crowd follower, yet want to be seen with the latest fashion clothing around so you know you are not out of style, there is a way for you to create your own signature style while still staying in tune with the latest in women’s fashion and design.

For starters, do an analysis of yourself at the moment, what your current style is, your wardrobe choices and what is your dressing style (for example are you into casual wear, formal wear or if you are into funky dressing or preppie dressing for example). Once you have an assessment of yourself, decide on whether you are comfortable and happy with that, or whether you would like a change.

If you decide you want a change, then determine what sort of style you would like to create for yourself. Fashion can be anything you want it to be, and if you need some help deciding on what style you would prefer, you can refer to some magazines for ladies fashion or look at your favourite fashion icon for example. From there, you can get a rough idea of what you want your new look to resemble while infusing your own style into it.

When it comes to dressing fashionably, everyone always has one fashion clothing item which can sort of become their ‘trademark’ look if you want to call it that. It should be a look or an item that people will associate you with. It can be a pair of sunglasses for example, or some signature accessories, or perhaps a signature bag which works well with almost any outfit. Remember that your signature look should be one that you can use as many times as possible and should compliment your best features or the outfit you are wearing. It might take a while, but find one that works for you and use that to your advantage.

Once you have determined what you want as your signature look and the kind of new look you want to have, you can then so shopping for the clothes that you need. Remember that women’s fashion trends come and go if you want to create a style that is going to bring out the best in you, you should not simply follow fashions just for the sake of doing so. Not all fashion trends are going to suit everyone, and the key to looking like a fabulous fashionista at all times is to only go for the trends that are going to flatter you and enhance your look

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