Throw Your Walking Cane Out! Alternatives To Walking Sticks That Can Really Work – Special Report

You ever want to just throw your cane in the garbage?

Do you want to get rid of that thing and never look back?

1.) Introduction

Are you just so sick of your cane? Do you want to walk around without using it to the point where you are looking for other options? – We can understand where you are coming from. – Maybe at the beginning of the cane finding process, you may have thought to yourself that you would focus on the positives. Maybe you are going to try and focus on the fashion statement that it might be for you. After all, there are some cool looking canes out there. – But after you think about it, canes can also become annoying. Canes have a purpose, none of us will deny that. However, many people will get sick of holding something when they walk. Moreover, people might get sick of being labeled as an individual that has a disability.

2.) What Are The 2 Main Purposes of a Cane

A.) Improved stability when walking and getting up from a chair

B.) Improved walking speed due to the support they provide.

There may be other purposes for a cane, such as being a fashion statement. However, on a functional level, letters A & B are usually the case. Wouldn’t you agree?

3.) Alternative to Using A Walking Stick / Cane

For improved stability and walking speed, why not try to think a little differently. Hey, you can use a cane if you want, but there are other options out there. For example, brace specialists can provide you with an orthosis called an “AFO”. This stands for “ankle foot orthosis”. These braces are common place in the medical field when people have foot and ankle weakness, or weakness at the knee as well.

4.) What Are The Benefits of an AFO?

When you are having some trouble walking, these braces can help support you. For example, if you have foot drop, these braces will help address that problem, so it does not become an issue when you walk. They also provide side to side stability, all while providing indirect support at your knee. Some people need the support at the knee while others do not, but the help is there with an AFO, if you need it. These braces can also be billed to people’s insurance, which is a bonus. – Not only that, they can be easily hidden by a pair of pants as well.

Note: This information is health oriented. Not everyone who uses an AFO will be able to shed their cane, but many people can! – Contact your local brace specialist (licensed orthotist) for medical advice on these kinds of special braces.

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